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Service & Advice > Declaration of Completeness

Preparation and submission - the Declaration of Completeness according to the Packaging Act

Submission and contents of the Declaration of Completeness via LUCID - what needs to be considered?

If the legally defined de minimis limits (see standing below) are exceeded, the distributor of packaging subject to system participation must submit a declaration of completeness to the Central Agency Packaging Register. The declaration of completeness (VE for short) serves as proof of all packaging subject to system participation that a company has placed on the market within a calendar year. The quantity data in the declaration of completeness is stored by the initial distributor in an electronic database at www.verpackungsregister.org/ and is only available to the Central Agency Packaging Register for checking purposes.

Eine Frau in gelbem Pullover schreibt in ein Notizbuch vor einem Computer, im Hintergrund eine Gitarre.

All important contents of the declaration of completeness at first glance

According to the Packaging Act, the declaration of completeness must contain, among other things, all information on the type of material and mass of the packaging placed on the market that is subject to system participation and that accumulates as waste at private consumers and comparable sources of waste generation. In addition, it must be stated whether the packaging in question participates in a dual system or was taken back via an sector specific solution and to what extent the recycling requirements of the VerpackG were fulfilled. The deadline for submitting the declaration of completeness is 15 May of the following year.

"de minimis" thresholds

A company is obliged to submit a declaration of completeness, if it puts more than the following quantities of packaging subject to system participation into circulation per calendar year:  

  more than 80,000 kg of glass, or

  more than 50.000 kg of Paper, Board, Cardboard or

  more than 30.000 kg of ferrous metals, aluminium, plastic, beverage carton packaging or other composite packaging

Below these so-called "de minimis" thresholds, declarations of completeness must only be submitted at the request of the Central Agency or the responsible regional authorities.

Thus, if a company is obliged to license sales packaging and exceeds the quantity thresholds listed above in a calendar year, it is obliged to submit a declaration of completeness.

On the safe side with BellandVision

On the basis of the declaration of completeness, the ZSVR checks the legally compliant implementation of the Packaging Act. Therefore, the quantity declaration must be confirmed neutrally and expertly. This can be done by a registered expert, auditor, tax consultant or sworn auditor - the only important thing is that the auditor is independent of the company submitting the declaration of completeness. A list of registered auditors can be found online in the packaging register LUCID: To the auditor register

As a dual system, we will of course support you in the documentation of your packaging subject to system participation and in the preparation of your declaration of completeness: Just contact us!

Do you still have questions about the declaration of completeness? Then take a look at the FAQs on the topic or give us a call - we will be happy to advise you!

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Recyclable Packaging
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Declaration of Completeness
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