To-Go or not To-Go? Service packaging & Packaging Act

Service Packaging must also be licensed according to VerpackG

Service packaging is all packaging that is filled directly at the point of sale and is used to hand over goods to the end customer. This includes, for example, carrier bags of all kinds, pizza boxes or other packaging for take-away food, paper bags at the bakery, the foil at the cheese counter, coffee-to-go cups etc. Service packaging is therefore mainly used in the food trade and gastronomy.

As with all packaging subject to system participation, the same applies here: There are no lower limits for small traders, restaurants, snack bars and so on - every service packaging that is filled with goods and handed over to private consumers must participate in a dual system from the first gram. Companies that do not comply with the system participation obligation face high fines of up to 100,000 euros.

Pre-licensing of service packaging is possible

In principle, the trader, final distributor or filler is obliged to license service packaging who fills it with goods and hands it over to the end consumer. There is one important exception: In order to make it easier for small retailers to deal with the Packaging Act, the system participation obligation for service packaging can be delegated to the pre-distributor/manufacturer of the service packaging as the only exception. Important: From 1 July 2022, however, the final distributor or filler of the service packaging will also be legally obliged to register with the central body. When registering, a declaration must then also be made that only service packaging already participating in the system will be placed on the market in accordance with Section 9 (2) sentence 2 of the Packaging Act.

But once again the following applies: Make sure that your supplier has registered with the Central Agency in the manufacturer's register and that the packaging is participated in the dual system - otherwise you will be threatened with a significant fine. If you are unsure, play it safe and have your supplier confirm the pre-licensing!

To-do list for manufacturers

With BellandVision, you can meet the requirements of the Packaging Act quickly and with ease.

These are your next steps:

Grünes Häkchen in einem quadratischen Umriss, symbolisiert eine positive Bestätigung oder Auswahl.

Quick check:

Find out whether your packaging is subject to system participation at


Grünes Häkchen in einem quadratischen Umriss, symbolisiert eine positive Bestätigung oder Auswahl.


If there is an obligation to participate your packaging in a dual system, register online with the Central Agency (“ZSVR”). Please note: Independent of the system participation obligation, all manufacturers of packaged products must register with the central body from 1 July 2022.


Grünes Häkchen in einem quadratischen Umriss, symbolisiert eine positive Bestätigung oder Auswahl.

Licensing with BellandDual:

With our licence calculator or after a personal telephone conversation, you can quickly and easy participate your packaging in the largest dual system in Germany.


Grünes Häkchen in einem quadratischen Umriss, symbolisiert eine positive Bestätigung oder Auswahl.

Data volume report:

Report your packaging quantities subject to system participation to the Central Agency and to us as your dual system.


Grünes Häkchen in einem quadratischen Umriss, symbolisiert eine positive Bestätigung oder Auswahl.

Statement of Completeness („Vollständigkeitserklärung“):

If the de minimis limits are exceeded, you must also submit a declaration of completeness - we will be happy to advise you on this!

Any questions? You can find all answers from A for additional information about the declaration of completeness to Z for Zentrale Stelle ("Central Agency") in our FAQs. Or ready for the licensing of packaging? Then simply license online right away.

Information for Manufacturers
Information for Retailer
Information for small Businesses
Information for Online-Retailers
Information for Importers
Information about Service Packaging