Gepresste und gebündelte Verpackungsabfälle, bestehend aus verschiedenen Materialien und bunten Aufdrucken, bereit für das Recycling.
Packaging & Recycling

Some things simply belong together: recycling and packaging 

Climate protection through packaging recycling

Whether the shipping box for online shopping, the plastic packaging around the new toothbrush, the disposable glass for gherkins or the paper bag at the bakery - packaging fulfils a multitude of functions in everyday life. It protects goods from external influences, increases the shelf life of the products, gives consumers all the information they need and - depending on the design - makes handling easier.

But: Despite its positive properties the use of packaging creates a large amount of waste. The conscious use of packaging and recycling is therefore immensely important. Because limited resources, climate protection and the recycling of valuable materials are among the most important environmental issues of our time - and one of the main tasks of BellandVision.

Förderbänder in einer Recyclinganlage transportieren gemischten Abfall zur Sortierung und weiteren Verarbeitung.

Packaging Act: Extended Product Responsibility (EPR) for more packaging recycling

Legislators recognised the importance of packaging recycling as early as the beginning of the 1990s and subsequently created the Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV) as the first legal basis for regulating the extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging. In 2019, the Packaging Act (VerpackG) - which has already been amended in 2021 - superseded the Packaging Ordinance and increased the accountability through the extended responsibility of the manufacturer (EPR) for so-called first-time distributors of packaging:

The Packaging Act obliges everyone, who is bringing packaged goods onto the German market for the first time as well as those whose packaging accrues as waste at private end consumers, to register with the Central Agency and to participate in the dual system or an industry solution. Because used packaging can be kept in circulation through recycling and in turn used again as valuable material for new packaging and products - to protect the environment. As of 1 July 2022, not only manufacturers of packaging that accumulates as waste at the private end consumer are obliged to register, but all manufacturers of packaged goods (e.g. primary, secondary & tertiary packaging or reusable packaging). 

Recycling quotas according to the Packaging Act

Packaging - e.g. made of glass, paper, cardboard or carton - can already be efficiently recycled to a high degree. The recycling of plastic packaging is also being constantly optimised. Compared to the previously applicable Packaging Ordinance (VerpackV), recycling rates in Germany have been increased by the Packaging Act and will be raised again from 2022: 

The Central Agency (ZSVR) is responsible for monitoring the compliance with recycling quotas, for which dual systems and industry solutions must submit appropriate evidence (volume flow record). From the collection to the last recycling facility this evidence includes all weighing slips on calibrated scales, which are ultimately checked for correctness and completeness by registered experts. Any recovery documentation that does not meet the strict criteria of relevant test guidelines from the control authority will not be recognised for the calculation of the quota.

Ein erfahrener Lagerarbeiter mit einem weißen Schutzhelm und einer blauen Weste bedient eine manuelle Hubwagenpalette. Er steht in einem großen Lagerhaus mit hohen Regalen voller Kartons, die bis zur Decke reichen.

Your legal obligation - our efficient solutions 

The dual system or the industry solution from BellandVision organises the nationwide collection, sorting and recycling of packaging waste on behalf of its customers, so that the legally prescribed material recycling rate in Germany according to the Packaging Act can be achieved and used packaging can be used to create products or – ideally - new packaging.

Transport packaging that remains in the B2B sector, e.g. in trade and industry, is exempt from the obligation to participate in the system, but the legislature has also set specific requirements for collection and recycling for this. For example, manufacturers who place commercial and transport packaging on the market must also register with the Central Body by 1 July 2022. 

Whether participating in the dual system, industry solution, comprehensive disposal management for transport packaging or all answers to your recycling questions: Discover our efficient, environmentally friendly and economical disposal services and easily fulfil your obligations under the Packaging Act with BellandVision as your partner!

More information for you:

Participation in the dual System
Sector Specific Solution
Transport­ Packaging
Licence Fee Calculator
Packaging Act
Packaging Register LUCID
Closed Recycling Loops
International Licensing