Since these are not usually generated as waste in private households, transport packaging does not have to be participated in a dual system.
Packaging is considered to be transport and commercial packaging if it is used in large-scale commercial and industrial operations (no comparable sources of waste generation) and is generated as waste there.
Nevertheless, the Packaging Act also stipulates strict regulations for the handling and disposal of transport packaging: Distributors are obliged to take back their transport and commercial packaging properly and to dispose of it properly.
The VerpackG amendment also brings changes for packaging according to §15 Packaging Act. We have summarized these for you in our information sheet.
So that you can concentrate on your core business, BellandVision provides you with a convenient overall package. With us you rely on:
▶ Reliability with a nationwide network of disposal companies
▶ Legal certainty: 100 % legally compliant handling of your waste management obligations
▶ Environmental protection: environmentally sound solutions are our claim
▶ Full service through a personal contact for all disposal questions
▶ Independency: We assign the most economical partners to optimize your costs
▶ Our experience: Expertise from over 20 years of waste management
Gladly we can create together an individual offer for the legally compliant and environmentally friendly take-back and disposal of your transport and commercial packaging! Simply fill out the request for proposal or call us at 09421 - 4832-200.