Eine Familie mit einem Kind und einem Einkaufswagen in einem hellen Supermarkt, umgeben von frischem Obst und Gemüse. Ein einfaches Icon eines Einkaufswagens in Weiß auf orangefarbenem Hintergrund.
Site Waste Management > Disposal for Businesses > Retail & Consumer Goods

Efficient disposal solutions in retail & consumer goods

The right disposal concept for every retailer and manufacturer

Whether in retail or as a manufacturer of perishable goods, the correct separation of commercial waste is important in order to comply with the legal requirements, e.g. the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV). This is the only way to ensure proper disposal and recycling.

Whether it is a small chain of stores, central warehouses or a network of branches across Germany - Veolia offers retailers comprehensive disposal solutions, for example for:

  • • Food waste
    Transport packaging

  • • mixed waste (AzV)• oily operating resources Betriebsmittel (e. g. cleaning rags, protective clothing, etc. soiled with oil / grease)

  • • One-time disposal during renovation work

Gebündelter Karton und verschiedene Verpackungsmaterialien in Gitterboxen zur Wiederverwertung.
Veolia is happy to support you in setting up suitable collection points and in implementing efficient disposal solutions for your commercial waste - inquire now!  

Many branches, one solution: site disposal with Veolia

Every location is different, but they all have one thing in common: The starting point for compliance with legal requirements is a holistic and transparent disposal concept (e.g. separate containers, employee training, etc.). Such a concept facilitates the implementation and the proof that the legal requirements are met. As an experienced disposal service provider, Veolia supports you in the planning, implementation and optimisation of your disposal management with individual concepts directly on site.

Do you have major renovations or campaigns planned? No problem! In addition to waste management, Veolia also offers our customers practical solutions for environmentally friendly and legally compliant one-time disposal.

Special case - food waste - this is how you have to dispose of expired food

Kompostierbare Küchenabfälle, darunter Obst- und Gemüsereste wie Orangenschalen und verwelkte Blattgemüse, ein typischer organischer Abfallhaufen.

There are numerous legal requirements for the disposal of food leftovers – so –called organic waste – in Germany: Regulation (EC) 1069/2009, for example, stipulates hygiene regulations for animal by-products that are not intended for human consumption. The regulation of the European Community distinguishes three food categories, of which category 3 is relevant for food retailers.

So-called K3 foods include unpackaged and packaged meat (so-called K3 meat) as well as packaged foods that contain animal by-products (e.g. cold cuts, yoghurt, etc.). All food leftovers that are sorted into this category must be disposed of in separate organic waste bins for K3 material in accordance with the legally applicable hygiene regulations. All purely plant-based foods such as fruit and vegetables are not subject to Regulation (EC) 1069/2009 and must be disposed of separately in the organic waste bin according to GewAbfV. Important to know: If the food is packaged, the packaging must first be removed and properly disposed of separately. 

The full-service site disposal for retailers - inquire now!

So that you can concentrate on your core business, Veolia provides you with a convenient overall package. You rely on:

 Sustainable and smooth disposal of your branches and/or central warehouse through a nationwide disposal network,

legally compliant documentation of waste management,

continuous adjustment and optimisation of your costs,

a single contact person for processing, billing and complaint management.

Benefit now from a nationwide disposal solutions - simply request your site disposal online: To the online request

Here you will find tailor-made solutions for your industry:

Retail & Consumer Goods
Manufacturing & Industry
Hotel & Gastronomy
Construction Industry
Health & Care
Transport Packaging
Other Disposal Solutions