On the basis of the applicable legislation such as the Recycling Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz - KrWG) or the Commercial Waste Ordinance (Gewerbeabfallverordnung - GewAbfV), companies must ensure that their waste and residual materials are recycled in an environmentally friendly manner at their locations (e.g. production, sales outlets). The following principle applies: Anyone who generates waste is also responsible for environmentally friendly disposal.
This means that all traders - from manufacturing companies to catering businesses - are affected by the provisions of waste law as waste producers and owners. They must avoid, reuse, recycle, recover or dispose of all types of waste that arise at the company sites in accordance with the waste hierarchy according to the following prioritisation.
As one of the leading companies in the field of environmental services, Veolia offers customized solutions for the disposal of all types of waste at your company sites. From paper, glass and plastic waste to waste requiring treatment, such as food waste or construction waste, Veolia has a wide range of expertise and resources. With an extensive network, its own fleets and recycling plants throughout Germany, Veolia guarantees legally compliant and cost-efficient waste disposal. Thanks to decades of experience and innovative technologies, Veolia optimizes your waste disposal processes and supports you in efficiently fulfilling your legal obligations.
Discover the advantages of an individual waste disposal concept from Veolia now!