Whether a packaging is sustainable or not depends, among other things, on its recyclability. And this is already determined during development. Because only if there is a suitable sorting and recycling infrastructure for the materials used and the material combination used, can packaging be recycled. Furthermore, the sortability of the materials or the material combinations and recycling incompatibilities play a decisive role in the success of recycling.
Due to the amendment of the Packaging Act, manufacturers will in future be required to use a minimum proportion of recycled material in one-way plastic beverage bottles. As of 1 January 2025, PET one-way plastic beverage bottles must each consist of at least 25 percent recycled material by mass. This obligation will be extended on 1 January 2030, when 30 percent by mass of recycled material will be mandatory for all single-use plastic beverage bottles. If you have any questions about the use of recycled material and the availability of recycled material, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many factors play a role with regard to the recyclability of a packaging, in particular ...
▶ Material group: Basically, glass, aluminum and ferrous metal packaging as well as packaging made of paper, cardboard or carton are easier to recycle than plastic or composite packaging, for example.
▶ Exterior design: Design elements such as the colourshave a direct influence on the sortability of used packaging. Black packaging using carbon black, for example, can hardly be recognised by sorting plants. On the other hand, light or transparent packaging made of the same plastic can be recognised and sorted very well. Even when re-used, transparent or light-coloured recyclate enjoys a significantly higher demand!
▶ Separability: The separability of packaging components must be possible both for the end user and in the recycling process. In particular, the packaging made of paper, cardboard or cardboard must be able to be separated into fibers during the pulp digestion. A wet-strength coating on both sides would prevent this dissolution, which would lead to this packaging being removed as residues. That in turn would prevent recycling.
▶ Incompatibility: No combinations of materials or substances that could prevent recycling can be used, e.g. paper labels that cannot be washed off, silicone components or chlorine components in plastic packaging.
▶ Used materials: If packaging is made from only one material, it is called monomaterial. The advantage: All packaging components can be sorted correctly and completely recycled without separation. This increases the recyclability of packaging through the use of monomaterials.
We see ourselves as an all-round carefree service provider! Our service therefore begins with the packaging design: We would be happy to advise you on the packaging optimisation of your range for sustainable packaging solutions.
We entirely rely on teamwork: Together with our recycling experts from Circpack by Veolia, who are part of the RecyClass platform, we have developed uniform design for recycling guidelines and evaluation methods meant to support (packaging) manufacturers and packaging developers in packaging optimisation and to facilitate the development of new packaging technologies all over Europe.
Our team of experts will be happy to accompany you all the way to recyclable packaging - we look forward to hearing from you!
Packaging optimisation is at the top of your to-do list and are you looking for in-depth expert knowledge? Then you are at the right place with BellandVision and Circpack by Veolia. With our many years of experience in the field of recycling and our international network, we are happy to support you in developing recyclable packaging:
You can find an overview of our Design for Recycling services HERE
Recycling concerns us all! To ensure that industry, retail and packaging manufacturers can independently improve the recyclability during the packaging development stage, we provide all first-time distributors for free with the Circpack by Veolia Design for Recycling guidelines download.
How recyclable is your packaging? Find out very easily - with our online recycling tool you can find out with just a few clicks whether your packaging meets the Central Office’s minimum standards for measuring the recyclability of packaging! The online recycling tool is available to BellandVision customers free of charge upon request. For non-customers, on the other hand, there is the option of applying for a fee-based license.
Other countries, other customs - also in waste management. To ensure that your packaging can also be recycled abroad, you will find important national specifications from over 71 countries on the ReCoRe-Plattform. Contact us at any time if you have any open issues.
Do you keep asking yourself which fraction your used packaging is actually sorted into? We have the answer! With the help of the representative BIG data analysis, our recycling experts at Circpack by Veolia can determine which recycling routes your used packaging is actually taking. The further steps for packaging optimisation can be based on the findings of the big data analysis. Additionally, our experts will also be happy to advise you on the design of new packaging. Contact us with no obligation
Become a recycling specialist yourself! With the “Recycling” masterclass from Circpack by Veolia, you can find out everything you need to know about recyclable packaging in five online units - BellandVision customers receive a 10% discount. If you are interested or to receive the discount code, please contact us before registering. Let us develop the circular economy together with the recycling experts from Circpack by Veolia and register for our recycling workshop. Dates for the series of events and registration can be found here.
In order to improve the recyclability of your packaging and to reliably test the detection capability of your packaging in an LWP sorting plant, we also set high standards in research: from simple operational sorting tests to special laboratory and desk studies. Contact us with no obligation
Independent and in cold print: With our certification, we offer you an independent evaluation of your recyclable packaging according to the minimum standards of the ZSVR or the RecyClass criteria. Contact us with no obligation
We are at your side for all topics related to recycling! In our FAQs you will find all the answers to the most frequently asked questions - from aluminum packaging to waste paper recycling. Go to FAQ