Ein weißes Icon, das zwei überlappende Sprechblasen mit dem Text "FAQ" darstellt, auf einem orangefarbenen Kreishintergrund.

FAQ – so that none of your questions about our disposal services remain unanswered!

You ask, we answer

What is a secondary packaging? Do I have to put a recycling symbol on my packaging? And who is actually obliged to do what?

The topics of packaging recycling, system participation, the use of recycled materials and the legally compliant disposal of commercial waste pose great challenges for many businesses. As an experienced environmental company, we are happy to assist you with all disposal questions and advise you!

All the answers to the most frequently asked questions on…

Dual System
Packaging Act
Centrale Agency / LUCID
Declaration of Completeness
Use of Recyclates
Commercial Waste Ordinance
Contact us directly!